C.F. e P.IVA 01835010982
C.F. e P.IVA 01835010982
Cibo di Mezzo is an initiative born in 2017 by a group of restaurateurs and marketing and territory experts who have common visions and backgrounds and also wanted to promote good food.
The initiative is based on the idea that food represents the traditions of the people and their land.
A number of selected producers, operating between the two Brescia lakes, became partners and supporters of almost unique and sustainable proposals.
The focus is on food. To produce it, choose it, and cook it, you need people who apply themselves, each one with their own competence and sensitivity, tools and methods. Sharing ideas and intentions unite people, eliminate differences and barriers.
Food is passion, culture, conviviality, a universal need and a unique expression of who we are and of the places where we live and eat as well as the places where food is produced.
The Maniva Group enthusiastically joined the project, recognizing itself in the values of quality, territoriality and passion that guide the initiative.
Maniva natural mineral water, with its characteristics of alkalinity, purity and lightness, accompanies and enhances the dishes of great Italian chefs.
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